Monday, July 18, 2011

Hack: The proper meaning.

What is hacking..? Hmmm.. Most of the people get sacred hearing the word hacking. Come On.. It's nothing . If bill gates wouldn't have hacked, there would have been on basic. If steve didn't hack, we would not have apple. Ya Ya.. Most of the folks out there don't know it. But it is true that to become a ethical white hat hacker you have to first know got to hack. For example, to become a good cop you have to first know the mind and read the techniques of robbing. The problem here is that most of them land in the bad part in the process. This is quite emberassing for the hacking community. Hacking can be classified into three parts. 1.Black hat. This is the first stage in the process. Here you learn how to hack. How to really hack in the way of a professional. Here you have full liberty . No rules no control. 2.Grey hat. This is a luke warm stage. Here you start knowing the goods and bads of hacking. Know the downfall of it. To be even more frank, you do less hacking and have to start to develop a bit of fear which helps in the next stage. 3. White hat. Here you learn the rules and regulations and cyber laws. Your fear in the previous stage, helps you learn there controlled ways of hacking. But this is moreover kinda boring and a bit of like professional stuff which puts on a lot of restrictions. Hope you came to know what it really is and what is behind It'. More to come in the nest post....!

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