Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Mac feel in Dreamlinux

Dream Linux is a Brazilian computer operating system based on Debian GNU/Linux. It can boot as a live CD, from USB flash drive, or can be installed on a hard drive. The distribution's GUI aims to have a centered animated toolbar. The Current version is 5. The home page of the Linux is This was started in 2007 with a version called 2.2 MM GL and in 2008 the version no. 3 was released. In 2009 they came up with Version 3.5 and this is their 4th Version.

My Opinion
Best Multimedia Support. The distro promises a lot. First, Dreamlinux 5 claims 100% multimedia support out of the box, something that any living being using computers will appreciate. Every one appreciates this for that and it stands No. 1 in handling Media from 2008.

Really a wonderful and beautiful Desktop Environment. Dream Linux comes with a very sexy Xfce desktop, adorned with the Avant desktop manager, offering Mac OS-X like looks with minimal hardware requirements. I have seen Mac OS environment in gOS Linux and Pin Guy OS. However Dream Linux aims to take the bar, one notch higher. I am amazed by the GUI of it and want to have it installed in my PC as I am bit lazy to back-up my data and change Fedora, I am not attempting it. You may see the Linux on this video at You Tube the link for the same is given below.

On Packages - Acrobat Reader is installed on default – this is the first Linux to have it on installation. This uses Softmaker a derivative of Open Office instead of Libreoffice. Generally Many do not like Softmaker as it looks pretty old similar to MS Office 1997. The other lists of applications are same like Mint. Pin-Guy is superb in this regard as it has all one needs. Except for Virtual Box & Chrome – I have not done anything on it.

Conclusions drawn on Expert's Opinions:
It is fast, smooth and beautiful after installation. XFCE is used as the default Desktop Environment, it is light, and the OSX-like theme is stimulating and is superbly dressed-up.
The multimedia support is phenomenal and should win over every single Windows user in a blink.
Dream Linux starts off modestly, drops low and then vaults high, emerging as a winner. This is not a bad way of leaving a solid, lasting impression, provided you can take the risk. Most users will not have the stamina to endure the horrors of the installation and wait for the post-installation paradise. This is the complete opposite of Sabayon, which begins with the absolute perfect live CD session and then somewhat disappoints with the package management.
Dream Linux has the potential of being a superb distro. It just requires some polishing. Fonts, Network Configuration, etc., are difficult. Hence an average user would lose his patience with this Linux.
(as told by Mr V Narayanan)

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