Friday, May 4, 2012


Presidential campaigns are going in a heated way in US and it is yet to start in India. By the way, let me make one point clear at this juncture. To qualify as the President of India you just got to be immune to your surroundings and sign whatever papers your subordinates give to you. In return you can earn both in cash and kind. Kind means not the kindness of the people (you only get their curses in India). Kind means "Vacant land", bailing out your indebted relations, so on and so forth.

Let us come back to Presidential campaign in US. To become President of US, you got to have stuff and earn respect of the people and it is indeed powerful position and it is not a "name sake" post. Why this comparison of President of US and India?

There are many methods of campaigning. You can campaign by highlighting your past glories, success and achievements (if you have any) or you can directly start hitting those who are contesting against you below the belt. What US President Obama is doing right now in the name of campaign is "hitting below the belt" kind and unfortunately he is pulling in other nations in an angst while trying to defame the other candidate, not understanding the fact that he is defaming himself.

Whenever you are going to talk negatively about a particular person and complain that "he is like this and he is like that" it won't be received in a positive way amidst the people. As a leader, if Obama was matured enough (I hope so), he wouldn't have talked about the character of  Romney. His desperateness to retain the Presidentship has pushed him to this extent.

Some of his remarks were so amusing about Romney, that if they were true, he would be an ideal contestant for India's President post too. Here are few points made by Obama against Romney:
  1. He is rich - Go to India Romney. You will become richer as a politician. Come on, this cannot be accepted.
  2. He got Swiss bank account - An essential requirement/qualification to be a politician in India. Romney, you got bright future in India.
  3. He will be hard against women tax payers - Sorry guys. In India, at present these matters are under the control of Finance Minister, Pranab Mukherjee. He treats women of India at par with men by raising the basic exemption limit of taxable income of men. (I wonder, if he knows anything about tax or for that matter, politics.)
  4. He outsources jobs and makes Americans jobless - Without outsourcing, US cannot survive. I was given to understand that Obama's mother's X-Ray reports are outsourced to hospitals in India to report upon it. What a shameless allegation!?
Finally, Romney beating Obama is very difficult. Whatever said and done, all cheap languages, methods etc. shall be resorted to at times of election. One thing is for sure. Whoever becomes US President is not going to:
  1. Completely stop outsourcing
  2. Completely eliminate Taliban (because it was grown by Americans to keep a check in Asia)
  3. Stop this "international police" behavior unless China looks into this matter.
Let us answer this question honestly. China comprises of Chinese, India comprises of Indians, Korea comprises of Koreans and Japan comprises of Japanese.

WHAT DOES AMERICA COMPRISE OF? Does it have "native Americans"!? Does it have a culture!?

The world knows what it comprises of....

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