One fine day, my PC crashed suddenly. It is a 7 year old desktop and I knew it is because of old hardware. At the same time I didn't feel like junking it as its motherboard was still running like a horse and its RAM capacity was also upgraded.
I decided to format the entire system and I was perplexed, as to how to retrieve the data. Then I heard this word L-I-N-U-X. I installed a live Ubuntu in my pen drive and accessed my data with the help of Linux. Backup has been taken and system was formatted.
I freshly installed my Windows (a genuine one folks) to start afresh. After a few days, new problem came w.r.t "system 32". I got fed up with Windows and Microsoft and shouted at the monitor F*** you.
I formatted it once again and this time I wisely installed, Ubuntu Linux. It was going on smooth, but the one I installed was a "beta" version and couldn't withstand my system's impairments.
Finally, a friend of mine came up with Linux Mint (Lisa) and she is been managing my PC smoothly. Though rolling updates aren't available for Linux Mint, I am satisfied because my PC isn't hanging anymore.
I broke those "Genuine Windows" CDs. Screw them!!
I decided to format the entire system and I was perplexed, as to how to retrieve the data. Then I heard this word L-I-N-U-X. I installed a live Ubuntu in my pen drive and accessed my data with the help of Linux. Backup has been taken and system was formatted.
I freshly installed my Windows (a genuine one folks) to start afresh. After a few days, new problem came w.r.t "system 32". I got fed up with Windows and Microsoft and shouted at the monitor F*** you.
I formatted it once again and this time I wisely installed, Ubuntu Linux. It was going on smooth, but the one I installed was a "beta" version and couldn't withstand my system's impairments.
Finally, a friend of mine came up with Linux Mint (Lisa) and she is been managing my PC smoothly. Though rolling updates aren't available for Linux Mint, I am satisfied because my PC isn't hanging anymore.
I broke those "Genuine Windows" CDs. Screw them!!
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